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2014 Info

The Cincinnati Centurions, Cincinnati’s field hockey club team, will begin its Girls’ Middle School Field Hockey Program this fall. Girls in 6th through 8th grades are welcome to participate. Field hockey is played in Cincinnati at Mount Notre Dame, Ursuline, St. Ursula, Summit Country Day, Indian Hill and Walnut Hills high schools. Players will be learning field hockey skills and playing games with other teams in the Cincinnati-Columbus Regions. The season will begin in mid-August and end in mid-October.


Practices and Home games will take place at Mount Notre Dame High School. There will be a meeting of players and parents in August.


In preparation for practices in August, players should bring a water bottle, a mouthguard, and a pair of shinguards. If you do not have field hockey shinguards, use soccer shinguards for now. We will make a bulk purchase of shinguards as the season gets near. Players should wear athletic shoes and/or rubber cleats. The rubber cleats will be the best for the turf. Field Hockey sticks will be provided by the Centurions. If a player wishes to buy a stick, we will make a larger purchase and get a discount on sticks.


The cost per player for the season will be $200. However, if there is financial hardship, just inform the coach or send an email to the Centurions. We do not wish to deny anyone to play, so we work with the family.


If you are interested, please use the QR code below and fill out the on-line registration. Or you can print the below, fill out the information and send it in an email to


A waiver is also needed. The registration fee and waivers will be collected in August.


If you have any questions, please email the Centurions.

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